
Letter of Intent

Dear John,
I do know things have been strained between us for quite some time now. The babies (three at once! we really didn’t expect that – not at my age and with your blood pressure), and of course your job at the law firm which I know is terribly high powered. Despite all, I want to keep working at this marriage. But meanwhile, I’m going to stay with my mother for a month. Please do reply to this note and tell me how you feel. If necessary we can talk about living separately for a while.
Love you still, Janice.

1.1 Dear Janice

1.1.3 We need to clarify Believe we dealt with this in the change to 2.1

2.4 Clarify

3.6 OK; add language that documentation will be returned/destroyed unless otherwise required by applicable law

3.6.1 Clarify there is no overtime responsibility

4.0 We need to discuss

4.1 I prefer a shorter cure period than 30 days

4.1.1 Am OK with deleting auto-renewal language

5.0 Agreed by the parties

6.1 We need to discuss – this is a broad and potentially hazardous change. Need to at least limit material changes which substantially impact the services

7.4 OK

7.5 OK? – John

